Applications are now closed



The Miss Tri-Valley competition is a Northwest Regional competition, open to candidates as dictated in the Oregon Competition Eligibility form, provided by the Miss Oregon Scholarship Program. The Miss Tri-Valley 2022 competition will be hosted by the Miss Marion-Polk County Scholarship Program board of directors.

The 2022 competition will be held in a hybrid format. Candidates will compete with judges physically present, while audiences watch the competition virtually. COVID precautions will be implemented and strictly adhered to in order to prioritize the safety of our candidates, judges, and board members.

Miss Tri-Valley titleholders will receive a $250 scholarship and official crown and sash. Miss Tri-Valley titleholders will also have complete access to the Miss Marion-Polk County Scholarship Program closet to utilize for the Miss Oregon competition.

Financial Responsibilities

Candidates in the Miss Tri-Valley competition will be required to raise $100 through SpotFund in conjunction with MAO’s national fundraising campaign. Additionally, each titleholder will be required to secure a $100 Century Club sponsor.

Titleholders in the Miss Tri-Valley program assume all financial responsibility for their preparations for and participation in the Miss Oregon competition. This includes, but is not limited to, workshop fees, wardrobe, travel expenses, and lodging.


Once crowned, titleholders will be required to have a mentor who will offer support and guidance in preparation for Miss Oregon. If the titleholder is unable to secure a mentor, a mentor will be assigned to them. These mentors will act as advisors and advocates throughout the preparation process, including participating in communication with the local board of directors. Mentors will be expected to attend the Miss Oregon virtual workshop.

Term of Service

Regional titleholders will remain under contract from the date of their crowning through the crowning of Miss Oregon 2022. Following the crowning of Miss Oregon 2022, regional titleholders will be released from their contracts and their term of service will end.

Relationship with the Miss Marion-Polk County Board of Directors

Miss Tri-Valley titleholders and their mentors are expected to communicate with the Miss Marion-Polk County board of directors. Miss Tri-Valley titleholders will be invited to participate in competition preparation and appearances where deemed appropriate. Titleholders should inform their mentor and the Miss Marion-Polk County board of all self-scheduled appearances.

2022 Important Dates